I love the SlideACart and how easy it
has made my shopping runs. It is
certainly better than struggling with
plastic bags and having to return the
Aldi/Woolies/Coles trollery somewhere.
I love the SlideACart, Shopping is
very easy now. Nice to have your
own one. No more heavy bags to
carry and cart to return.
I am so happy with my slideAcart...
it saves double handling.
I don't have to carry heavy groceries
into the house..i move the cart from
car to the pantry... fridge.... freezer...
laundry in a matter of minutes.
Would definitely recommend to all
my family and friends
I am so happy that I have my own
trolley and don’t have to wipe down
those at the supermarket anymore.
I am never really sure that wiping
the trolley gets rid of the viruses.
I still use some reusable bags and
these help me to separate my
groceries inside the SlideACart.
I live in Italy. I find the SlideAcart
very well made, sturdy and very
smooth. The assembly and
disassembly mechanism is very
simple and fast. Loading it into
the car is very easy and simple
and the shopping arrives right
into the house without the
slightest effort. Going shopping
has finally become a pleasure
thanks to Slideacart.
A sample of over 4500 comments from TikTok users with over 21 million views.
Transporting your goods has never been easier. Convenient, portable, practical, faster & safer.
The only cart you will ever need!
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